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Eliminate The Stench Air Freshener x Guerrilla Girls

Third Drawer Down USA

Regular price $ 6.50

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Third Drawer Down in collaboration with the Guerrilla Girls present the Eliminate the Stench of Patriarchy banana scented Air Freshener. Hang where stenches aren't wanted and feel empowered with a roaring combination of Banana and Art! About the Artist The Guerrilla Girls are a group of anonymous artists who wear gorilla masks in public using facts, humour and outrageous visuals to expose discrimination and corruption in politics, pop culture, film and art. In 30 years, they have come up with hundreds of posters, street projects, actions, books, and billboards. Most recently they did a stealth campaign in New York about the super rich hijacking art, and a wall in Reykjavik about discrimination in the Icelandic film industry.
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